Course curriculum
1. Introduction and Who Am I
1. The Mighty SHIFT CTRL and ALT
2. Format Shape
3. My favorite tool - Format Painter
4. PowerPoint Versions
5. Quick Access Toolbar
6. Edit Points - Advanced Tip
7. Selecting the Color Scheme (Concept)
8. Selecting the Fonts (Typography)
9. Less is more
10. Less is more outplayed - Presenter View!
11. Adding a Vector File
12. Design Trends for 2020!
1. Let's begin! Few reminders and a motivational kick
2. Slide 1. Title
3. Bonus - Perfect Alignment Every Time
4. Slide 2. About us - Design
5. Slide 2. About Us - Animation
6. Slide 3. Features - Design
7. Slide 3. Features - Animation
9. Slide 4. 4 Steps
10. Slide 5 & 6. Timeline
11. Slide 5 & 6. Connecting Them!
12. Slide 7. World Map
13. Slide 8. Country Map
14. Slide 9. Coffe Break
15. Slide 10. Graph like a boss
16. Slide 11. Different Chart
17. Slide 12. Contact Us
18. Slide 13. Used Sources
19. Slide 14. Exit
1. Ways of creating templates
2. Master Slides
3. Layouts
4. XML files - Usage and Importing
5. THMX files - What They Are
6. Creating a Layout - Pros and Cons
7. Creating a Layout - Advanced Usage
8. Designing Templates - Multiply Layouts
9. Custom Bulletpoint Lists
10. Summary
2. Slide 15 Sliced Image Composition
3. Slide 16 Equally Subtracted Pictures
4. Slide 17 Four Steps Color Change
5. Slide 18 Custom Colorful Icons & Image Border
6. Slide 19 Proper Bulletpoint Usage
7. Slide 20 Great slide in Powerpoint no matter how much text
8. Slide 21 Clean calm slide template
9. Slide 22 Simple Infographic slide tutorial in Powepoint
10. Slide 23 Crop and add photohraphs in any shape you want
11. Slide 24. Powerpoint slide with an image background
12. Slide 25. Four blocks with icons and text
13. Slide 26. Creative Image Template
14. Slide 27. Powerpoint pie chart - how to work with charts
15. Slide 28. How to present an organigramme with Morph Transitions
1. Types of Tables
2. Native Table Design
3. Table Layout - Add and Edit Cells
4. Using the Pen and Eraser
5. Importing EXCEL data
6. Bonus - Live Linking EXCEL data
7. Designing a table Pt. 1
8. Designing a table Pt. 2
9. Final adjustments
About this course
- Free
- 145 lessons
- 11 hours of video content