Course curriculum
Why you should choose this course
Course syllabus instructions
Some common mistakes you will no longer make after this course portfolio risk
Some common mistakes you will no longer make after this course free lunch
Glossary instructions
Distribution of returns graphical representation
Distribution of returns numbers
The risk return trade off ubs guest-speaker
The impact of correlation the benefits of diversification
The impact of correlation maximizing diversification
Reaching the efficient frontier ubs guest-speaker
The efficient frontier with a risk free asset
Expanding the asset universe international diversification
Expanding the asset universe country versus industry diversification
Do investors diversify internationally ubs guest speaker
The impact of constraints on optimal portfolios
The pitfalls of modern portfolio theory assumptions
The pitfalls of modern portfolio theory investors
Two fund separation individual decision
Two fund separation market level
Capital market equilibrium the capital market line
Capital market equilibrium the capital asset pricing model
How our age and wealth affect our investment profile main views
How our age and wealth affect our investment profile robo advisors
The path from an investors profile to his her optimal investment strategy ubs
About this course
- Free
- 51 lessons
- 5.5 hours of video content